2022 Update from schools on education funding spend

In December 2021 the Trust granted $74,451 to our four local education institutions under the Education Bulk Funding category.

Kuranui College and Greytown Primary School both applied for funds to purchase Chromebooks.  Kuranui received $30,657 and Greytown Primary $29,562.  Early Childhood had combined contestable funding available of $14,232.  Greytown Kindergarten applied for various initiatives and received $2,532.  With these funds they purchased a range of resources to enhance children’s learning focus as well as resources for their natural space area.  Greytown Early Years again applied for funds to assist with their professional learning and development and children’s explorers programme and Trustees awarded them $11,700.

You can read below how the funding has been spent and what a difference these grants have and continue to make.


New Trust Board following elections 2022