Community Funding Results - 2023

We received nine applications in the recent community funding round for activities and projects in the areas of social, cultural and environmental well-being.  The amount available for distribution was $15,000.  Trustees evaluated applications received and awarded funding to the following six community groups.

  • Papawai Mangarara Stream Catchment Group  $2,000
    Purchase of plants and water quality testing

  • St Lukes Anglican Church –  $1,500
    Music and Movement classes for preschool children and caregivers 

  • Wellington Free Ambulance – $5,000
    New Wairarapa Station build

  • Greytown Food Bank – $2,500
    Food provisions for Greytown residents in need 

  • Carter Court Incorporated – $3,000
    Specialised bed and mattress in refurbished Deller Wing

  • Greytown Heritage Trust- $1,000
    Annual Heritage Address

Trustees were pleased to be able to support Wellington Free Ambulance with a contribution of $5,000 towards the new Wairarapa Station build.  

It provides a vital service for our community and we were pleased to be in a position to support WFA.”  Phil Holden, Trust Chair.


Celebrations at Cobblestones


Education Funding Update